From my last post, i wrote about things i done during my 1st day
i will write about my training place..
I have been arranged to be in 4 departments..Wow!
But my other frens only get to learn in 3 departments..
For the 1st 2 month, i'm in FnB department
3rd month, Housekeeping
4th month, Finance
Lastly, 2 months in Front Office
Yesh!! I'm the luckiest among all of them..
All of them get to wash the dirty rooms
most unhygienic place, bathrooms
for the whole 2 months..
Wah lao eh..
and me?? 1 month ony~ Lalalala..
Ehem ehem..
Continue to my story,
Down below is my work place..
For the 1st week, i work in morning shift
7am~3pm + 2 hours OT = 5pm
The reason why i did tat is becoz i'm a poor fella.
Takde duit beli kereta, terpaksa la use taxi..
Taxi = Money
Money = Time
Time = OT
Understand?? XD
By the 2nd week, i take evening shift..
OMG!! I tell u fellas out there..
Evening shift is the worse ever..
Though the working time is shorter,
But hor..its like a living nightmare to me
I spend all my phone battery just by looking at the time
Zzz..its even slower than u study in college!!
Normally in morning shift, we r so bz tat we don have time to rest
Or even go toilet lor.. LOL!!
When things get bz, time oso pass-by very fast..
Tats y..
Yesterday, i talk to my FnB manager, Mr.Thomas
Put me bck to morning shift next week!!
Recall from the 1st week,
I learned the way of setting every sets of table
Making a *Welcome Drink* a.k.a Fruit punch a.k.a Mix Fruit Juice..
and also answering Room Service Call..
Btw, answering calls r actually ony for senior staffs..
And we ony hav 2 senior staffs in morning shift n night shift..
The junior staffs kenot do this things..
n yet they let me answer calls
2nd week,
The senior staff, Afiq n Iezdat
thought me how to make cappuccino and coffee latte
Thx dude!
Then they show me everything i nid to know when serving guest
Then hor..
Everyday at 3pm,
We will hav staff briefing..
Tis is to bring up problems n errors or even complains..
Of coz, i attended every session and u know wat??
Mr.Thomas, FnB manager,
Had to scold everyone everyday becoz of stupid things they did..
From wat Mr.Thomas told me,
The staffs r a bunch of lazy bugger owez act like kids..
Every single staff there..sure has problems 1..
Lazy, Speak lousy english, n some even couldn't understand basic english
Keng le??
When he tell me these things, i will b the 1st 1 to laugh..lol
N yet i hav to agree wif Mr.Thomas
How can a person work if they don't put their commitment in it??
But wats the use?? they hav no sense of discipline..
Only 2 or 3 i think is capable for the job..
If i'm the boss, i will tell them,
"Go back home n ask ur family to feed u"
For this 2 weeks i met a few ppl tat ask me the same question,
Hey David, Why u choose here??
Theres a lot of 5 stars hotel outside..
Here u won't learn much of a thing..
Very waste la..
The only answer i can giv is,
Wat to do?? 5 stars hotel is 24/7 bz..lagi takde experience..
This hotel kadang2 bz ony..the staff here willing to teach me..
Heheh..kidding ony
I'm happy for having my training there..
n it really is a good place for trainee like me~

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