Friday, December 12, 2008
Rick Roll -Nvr gonna giv u up~
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Dirty Days in my Training!!

Friday, November 21, 2008
The modem spoiled bcoz of those irresponsible housemate!!
Actually it spoiled coz of lightning..
So then, the act-like-a-mother landlord replace the modem
tell us to pay RM80 for 4 person share!
Just bcoz we spoiled the modem..
She wanted us to pay RM20??
WTF is tis??
And guess what??
The stupid no gud landlord say tat she bought it over from a person the landlord don't like..
(Coz that person left it behind b4 she left long ago)
So..i was curious and called that person and ask everything!
End up that person say the landlord nvr talk to her about tis!
So order to avoid the payment i called the landlord again..
I started quarreling with the landlord for mayb 30min??
The more i talk the louder her voice
Then until the end..she chg the story agian..
Here's our conversation:
Aunt: Yes?
Me: Why shud i pay for the modem?
Aunt: Oh..bcoz the modem doesn't belongs to we told *TuuT* that we will buy it from her for the price of RM80
ME: Hey..issit it robbing for just a stupid FOC modem??
Aunt: Since it doesn't belong to they offer RM80
ME: WTF?? I'm calling *TuuT* to complain
Aunt: HEY..since the matters already settle..why bother??
ME: This is stupid..i will call *TuuT* right away..
Aunt: Its already settle..why bother more??
ME: No!! I'm trying to think for the others too u know??
Aunt: U don't call *TuuT*..I don't want to hav anything related to her anymore!!
ME: U let me do tis..ok??
Trying to stop me from calling *TuuT*
(The owner of the modem)
But actually i called her few hours ago edi..
So then until almost the end..
Aunt: Ok..i will not ask u to pay the RM20..
ME: Its not about the money! I'm just helping the others to save money!!
Aunt: Nvm about them..they pay don't make a big fuss about it
(Then she chg the story)
Aunt: The money is actually to teach u all a lesson!
ME: Huh?
Aunt: Nvm..u will understand!
ME: Huh?
Aunt: Don't ever relate *TuuT* into tis matter already
(Which means don't call her in other words)
ME: Hmm!!
(Then the landlord gave the phone to her daughter)
D: Ok..everything settle edi! Ur auntie is just getting stress..
ME: Hmm..i know..
D: Don't just bcoz of the RM20 make every1 kenot slp
ME: I never thought off it..
(In my mind, U cheat our money for more than once edi)
D: OK?? Understand??
ME: Yeah!
After 10mins, a msg came..
''Ur auntie tell u, u no need pay, then Pls dont let other ppl know''
u just say u also have pay.ok?understand ma?
Really really pissed off with the landlord..
Wat r they thinking??
We pay so much for the room rental
and still wan extra money from us??
They r just fucking idiots!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Buka Puasa + Celebrating Collegue's B'day
Woke up at 8.15am like always..
Take bath~
Style my hair~
Then cut my fingernails~

Then went out for work at 8.45am sharp!
Btw, i'm now in the finance department..
As always..
For newbies..
We don't have much work to do..Wee~
But then hor..
It was so freakingly boring,
I fall asleep for like half an hour!!
Then walk around the hotel finding for a fren to talk to..
Still it was so boring..coz every1 is very bz..
Just looking at the time passing through "slowly"
1 word..SIEN!!
Then hor..
1 of my colleague invited me
to join them buka puasa at Ikano..
While celebrating other colleague's b'day..
At 1st, i was thinking..sure, why not??
When we reached was just 6.00pm
And yet..
The place is almost full
They can just pick up all their food..
Leave it on the table until 7.20pm
Worse of all..Ice Cream
So then..
I terpaksa la wait for them to eat 2gather..
Can see but canot eat..
Tis is more suffering than i thought it was!!

These are my malay colleagues
At 7.20pm..
We started to dine in lor..
Worse scene ever..
U can see all the malays eating
Like they never had food for 2 or 3 days..
Then after dinner..
We bring out the cake(made from RB Hotel)
Then starts the celebration!!
In my mind..i was just thinking..
"Wee!! Almost time to go home"

Left: Anuar(Receiving boss)
Mid: En.Saiful(My current boss)
Right: Ms.Yin Cheng(Assistant Finance Manager)
And So..
We leave happily ever after..
Thursday, September 18, 2008
1. The age you will be on your next birthday.
I love the beach the most..
(If u know wat i mean)
*Due to Some Privacy Thingy*
My room
(I can do anything i want!!)
8. Your all time current favourite song.
9. Your favourite TV show (currently).
(Not a gud idea eh??)
Had a very sweet smile~
Older than me~ >.<"
11. The town you live in.
Damansara Jaya
Just next to Bandar Utama Town~
And just behind KDU college~
It was a living nightmare..
But was fun..
I get to see pretty girls
and even had chances to talk to them~
Sadly tat time i had no camera phone
If not i would hav the chances to take pic wif leng lui~
How u spell it??
~M A N Y Z E R~
In other words..
Boss of the company..
Hahah!! bad habits is somehow same wif heidy's 1..
So, i borrow her pic..
Heheh..sry yerr~
I would beat up all the stupid n ugly pondan's in the world!!
Imagine u looking at a pondan,
Not even look like a girl
Came to you and say a " Hi! "
This is the thing i really want to do..
2nd :
I really wish i had everything that i want..
With money i can do anything..right??
But i wont give them money to spend..
Mayb buy some food for them
Maybe some things that makes them a little more happier..
A perfect home~

Must have:
Mom n Dad~
A loving wife ^_^
Having 2 kids (More than enough)
2 dogs - 1 male n 1 female
A swimming pool
A basketball court
A small penthouse (Relaxing area)
Mayb a small fish pond..
I sure can dream alot!! can i?
Thats all folk!!
People that i tagged:
~ PiggyWina ~
~ Finz ~
~ Melissa ~
~ Jeff ~
~ Tegan Ong ~
Or maybe viewers who visit my blog!!
(P/s: I do not own some of the pictures here.
Picture credits goes to each of the pics owner)
Credits to:
-Kenny Sia-
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Yesh!! I'm finally 20 years old..
No more 1 in front but 2..
I really had a gud time even though i did not celebrate it.
First thing after 12am,
My frens started to msg me..
For that, i didn't really had a gud rest..
Got bothered few times
and yet
I'm not mad at all..
Usually i'm really angry wif it
But yet..theres a happy feeling about it eh~
Years passing by very fast..
Just 1 blink in the eye edi pass 20 years..
I really hope i can finish up my studies
Start to hav a working life..
Though working is hard,
But then,
it shows that i'm going into a new age of responsibility..
Like i said..
Working is hard..
At the same time i had fun
knowing new frens,
Get to see more chicks..
And other fun things lor..
This is wat i experience when i'm doing my training oh..
I hav been thinking a lot about things
Even small little things,
Like Money,
A suitable job,
And mayb thinking of finding the love of my heart (Just Maybe)
I'm really happy that all my frens know tat its my b'day..
I really appreciate it too..
Thx Everybody~
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Please save the life of these animals!!!
When undercover investigators made their way onto Chinese fur farms recently, they found that many animals are still alive and struggling desperately when workers flip them onto their backs or hang them up by their legs or tails to skin them. When workers on these farms begin to cut the skin and fur from an animal's leg, the free limbs kick and writhe. Workers stomp on the necks and heads of animals who struggle too hard to allow a clean cut.
When the fur is finally peeled off over the animals' heads, their naked, bloody bodies are thrown onto a pile of those who have gone before them. Some are still alive, breathing in ragged gasps and blinking slowly. Some of the animals' hearts are still beating five to 10 minutes after they are skinned. One investigator recorded a skinned raccoon dog on the heap of carcasses who had enough strength to lift his bloodied head and stare into the camera.
Pledge to go fur-free at
Take a look inside the Chinese fur trade

On these farms, foxes, minks, rabbits, and other animals pace and shiver in outdoor wire cages, exposed to driving rain, freezing nights, and, at other times, scorching sun. Mother animals, who are driven crazy from rough handling and intense confinement and have nowhere to hide while giving birth, often kill their babies after delivering litters. Disease and injuries are widespread, and animals suffering from anxiety-induced psychosis chew on their own limbs and throw themselves repeatedly against the cage bars.

Because a fur's origin can't be traced, anyone who wears any fur at all shares the blame for the horrific conditions on Chinese fur farms. The only way to prevent such unimaginable cruelty is never to wear any fur. Take PETA's pledge to be fur-free today!
P/S : Do take a few steps to sign the pledge.. Its just a 5 min work~
Friday, July 18, 2008
Unlucky day
From 1st of july till now,
Everything was going fine until the 16th day,
Around 1pm after my lunch,

*The cafeteria food is so lousy*
After my lunch, things gone bad..
U see tis beverage n my suit here

splashes on my suit..
Lucky for me,
I had a suit to protect me..
A small little part of my stomach *right side*
Got burned a little..
Pain arr!!
After tis incident,
Some of the staff looked at me differently..
Zzz..i'm just a newbie ok??
Induction day~
The hotel organized a induction program
to let all the newbies like us,
know more about the hotel..
It was a 3 hours thingy
at a small little room (Melati room 1)
After they finished bla-ing their things..
They showed us every part of the hotel,
Excluding Ladies n Gents toilet ya..
We went to the "not so" Royale Suite
At 1st i thought it would be huge??
But actually it was just 4 rooms joined together..
Then we went up to "View on Eleven"

Guess whos tat??

Then we went to the FnB area,
*Showed in the past few post*
And then Finished~
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Aihz..almost bankrap liaw
Still long way to go lor..
And yesh!!
Royale Bintang hotel will be organizing a midnight shift
From 11pm~7am
Whoah!! The best shift for me!!
Ahaha..i'm owez awake during tat time ohh..
But! But!
I don't think there will b much work to do @@"
Maybe nothing at all eh?
Anyways, i'm finding for a new place to stay lor..
If any1 hav any info pls do find me >.<
Its kinda hard for me to owz take cab which cost me like RM13 everyday
Back n forth from The Curve..
Really expensive wor.. Rm13 x 30 = RM390 per month ohh!
Mayb some place which can reduce from Rm13~Rm8 or Rm9
would be gud enough eh??
Plz help me look for 1 >.<
Friday, July 11, 2008
Royal Bintang Hotel

From my last post, i wrote about things i done during my 1st day
i will write about my training place..
I have been arranged to be in 4 departments..Wow!
But my other frens only get to learn in 3 departments..
For the 1st 2 month, i'm in FnB department
3rd month, Housekeeping
4th month, Finance
Lastly, 2 months in Front Office
Yesh!! I'm the luckiest among all of them..
All of them get to wash the dirty rooms
most unhygienic place, bathrooms
for the whole 2 months..
Wah lao eh..
and me?? 1 month ony~ Lalalala..
Ehem ehem..
Continue to my story,
Down below is my work place..
For the 1st week, i work in morning shift
7am~3pm + 2 hours OT = 5pm
The reason why i did tat is becoz i'm a poor fella.
Takde duit beli kereta, terpaksa la use taxi..
Taxi = Money
Money = Time
Time = OT
Understand?? XD
By the 2nd week, i take evening shift..
OMG!! I tell u fellas out there..
Evening shift is the worse ever..
Though the working time is shorter,
But hor..its like a living nightmare to me
I spend all my phone battery just by looking at the time
Zzz..its even slower than u study in college!!
Normally in morning shift, we r so bz tat we don have time to rest
Or even go toilet lor.. LOL!!
When things get bz, time oso pass-by very fast..
Tats y..
Yesterday, i talk to my FnB manager, Mr.Thomas
Put me bck to morning shift next week!!
Recall from the 1st week,
I learned the way of setting every sets of table
Making a *Welcome Drink* a.k.a Fruit punch a.k.a Mix Fruit Juice..
and also answering Room Service Call..
Btw, answering calls r actually ony for senior staffs..
And we ony hav 2 senior staffs in morning shift n night shift..
The junior staffs kenot do this things..
n yet they let me answer calls
2nd week,
The senior staff, Afiq n Iezdat
thought me how to make cappuccino and coffee latte
Thx dude!
Then they show me everything i nid to know when serving guest
Then hor..
Everyday at 3pm,
We will hav staff briefing..
Tis is to bring up problems n errors or even complains..
Of coz, i attended every session and u know wat??
Mr.Thomas, FnB manager,
Had to scold everyone everyday becoz of stupid things they did..
From wat Mr.Thomas told me,
The staffs r a bunch of lazy bugger owez act like kids..
Every single staff there..sure has problems 1..
Lazy, Speak lousy english, n some even couldn't understand basic english
Keng le??
When he tell me these things, i will b the 1st 1 to
N yet i hav to agree wif Mr.Thomas
How can a person work if they don't put their commitment in it??
But wats the use?? they hav no sense of discipline..
Only 2 or 3 i think is capable for the job..
If i'm the boss, i will tell them,
"Go back home n ask ur family to feed u"
For this 2 weeks i met a few ppl tat ask me the same question,
Hey David, Why u choose here??
Theres a lot of 5 stars hotel outside..
Here u won't learn much of a thing..
Very waste la..
The only answer i can giv is,
Wat to do?? 5 stars hotel is 24/7 bz..lagi takde experience..
This hotel kadang2 bz ony..the staff here willing to teach me..
Heheh..kidding ony
I'm happy for having my training there..
n it really is a good place for trainee like me~

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Training~ Day 1 (1st July 2008)
So if there is a mistake plz DON'T complain ya!
Industrial Training in Royale Bintang Hotel (CURVE)
1st Day
1st of july was the day i started my training..
I had to wake up 7am to prepare myself
coz i had to meet up with my other frens in the Hotel at 8am.
(Hua Jiang, Candy, May Fern, and Michelle)
But then...
they reached around 8.45am..OMG!!
I was thinking mayb we will be late >.< style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5221493374046229746" border="0">Breakfast

Taking orders,
Answering calls for Room Service,
n etc etc etc etc...
At 5pm,
I left the building and went back home!
My feet hurts, my body battery is getting low
my eye is getting heavy,
Having all this things starting,
i just chg my clothings n went to slp..
Gd Nitez..
My 1st day was actually really tiring..
especially my feet n my arm..
When i ask the other staff,
they told me tat its just normal..LOL
R u guys normal or i'm not normal??
More updates to come!!